Day 15–100: Kontent Is King

Matthew Edward
2 min readDec 23, 2020

It’s time to talk about content. I live in the world of content creation. I write search optimized niche articles that leverage the symbiotic relationship between human readers and robot crawlers. This is a long-term play.

Content on Google takes months to rank, and only then will you know if Google thinks your words are worthy of the first page. Even then you don’t have a guarantee you get a return on your content investment.

So why would I YELL at the top of my lungs for content to be where small business owners dedicate all resources? Because I believe it’s a more sustainable long term investment than paid ads.

That’s a bold opinion but I’ve done it — and I see blogging success everywhere I turn. I keep forgetting What I see is not what you see.

Our digital and social algorithms show us our own cognitive bias on repeat. This is what the reticular activated system (RAS) does in our brains. It filters out what we see or pay attention to, and artificial intelligence adds another layer of filters on top of that making sure everything we see confirms our bias opinion.

I’m trying to say that content and SEO can really help you and your business online and this might not be the common public knowledge I once thought.

So I’m here to share this with anyone who will listen while I conduct experiments to show more data.

Today is a day of patience. I could have pecked away at the keyboard but I needed a moment to reflect.

I have also started to implement this idea into my tool and software review blog

Took This Time To Hire Writers

I have hired two writers today. That means five articles are in production. Tomorrow we will see the logo (hopefully). Until tomorrow.



Matthew Edward

Current journey: 100 days documenting a niche site build in public. A progress log. PLOG?